Rural Studio aims to build eight 20K Houses to celebrate our 20th Anniversary, and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to reach our $160,000 goal by December 6, 2013! To that end, we challenge YOU, the alumni and friends of Rural Studio, to organize within your city and compete head-to-head with other cities in a no-holds-barred, winner-takes-all battle to be the FIRST CITY TO REACH $20,000 and the CITY TO RAISE THE MOST MONEY before December 6, 2013.

What is a 20K House?  The 20K house project began in 2005 as an ongoing Rural Studio research project to address the need for affordable housing in Hale County and accommodating potential homeowners who are unable to qualify for commercial credit. Since then, the 20K House has evolved to become a well-built, beautiful and affordable house for everyone. This year, the Studio will also build several 2-bedroom models. For more information, check out Rural Studio’s website and the 20K House blog.

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